Why the hell do they look so damn familiar?

Diana walked in and asked who Leonard was.

"Well...uhhh...he's our uh...no cause he's really more of uh...well...he's our..."

"DUDE!" shouted Tre

"Yeah" agreed Bonnie "He's our dude. Tre get off the damn table!"

"Do you have a place to stay?" asked Diana

"Well Leonard told Tre where the hotel was, but well...LOOK at her!"

Tre had her arms spread and was skipping around and buzzing like an airplaine.

"Tre? Tre! TRE!" Bonnie yelled

"What?" she yelled back. Then continued buzzing

"Do you remember where the hotel is?"

"Yeah" she said stopping again "We take a rocket ship to the moon, and land on the lunar surface, OH! But first you have to take a left at Orion's belt. Or else you'll end up on Mars, and that would be bad! We pick up our keys on crator five. And we have to watch out for those moon doggies."

Everyone stared at Tre with wide eyes. "Um Tre? Exatly how long did those teeyboppers stomp on your head?"

"Bite me!" she replied

"You are DEFINATLY not driving!" said Diana looking worried "Look why don't you just stay with us tonight? I'm sure we could spare the room."

"That'd be cool. Thank you Mrs. hanson" said Bonnie giving her a greatful look.

"Please call me Diana" she replied "Was it her car that you brought here?"

"Uh huh" nodded Bonnie

"Hmm how are we going to do this?" pondered Diana "Isaac? You're going to have to drive Tre's car down to the hotel."

Isaac didn't look to thrilled and let out a big sigh. "Sure mom." he mumbled

Tre had finally stoped buzzing and was sitting on the couch. Bonnie got the keys from her and then tossed them to Isaac. It took him about five minutes to get Tre into the black jeep. She kept screaming somtheing aboutt he giant bug that was going to eat her.

"What the HELL is she screaming about?" asked Isaac as he pulled the jeep into traffic.

"Well, we call her jeep "The Bug" so I guess she thinks it's a real bug or something" she told him "Tre! Stop trying to climb out teh window!!" Bonnie tried to swat Tre with her crutch but unsuccessfully.

"It's feelers are touching me! AHHHH!!!" she screamed "Get em off me get em off!!!"

"Tre shut up and go to sleep or something!" shouted Isaac, as he turned the car off the freeway.

Tre pulled her knees to her chest and began rocking back and forth, "Can't sleep, clowns'll eat me, Can't sleep, clowns'll eat me..."

Tre stomped up the stairs angrily, muttering something along the lines of, "Stupid bug! Think it can eat me? Ha!! I'll show HIM!"

Bonnie attempted to climb the stairs, but only succeeded in annoying Isaac.

"Oh, OWIE, ouch. PAIN!!!" she yelped

"You only went up FOUR damn stairs!!!"

"Look when it hurts, IT HURTS. And right now? IT HURTS!" she snapped back "I am NOT going to make it the rest of the way up those damn stairs. Especially with these damn crutches."

Isaac let out his breath and called Taylor to carry thier stuff up to the room. He reluctantly carried Bonnie up the next four flights of stairs. (Author's note: We decided to use the stairs because it was more fun. If you are one of those realistic peaople (you suck) then just pretend that the elevator was broken)

When they finally entered the room Isaac litaraly dropped Bonnie onto the bed.

"OUCH! Thanks a lot Buttmunch!" she yelled

"God Ike? What's wrong?" asked Taylor as he handed Bonnie her crutches

"Nothing. Where's Tre?" he said as he looked around.

"She's out on the balcony" replied Taylor "She grabbed something from her bag and skipped out."


"Yup. She skipped."

"That girl has a screw loose."

"Isaac she has a freakin concussion!" yelled Bonnie "She isn't as crazy as she appears."

"Whatever" was all he said

He went out on the balcony, and saw Tre sitting with her back to him, on the concrete ledge.

***************** (Author's note: This is our pride and joy. Shakespeare had his balcony scene, and now we have ours. Personally we like ours better, but then again...well...that's another story! And now...it's time for...THE BALCONY SCENE!! LoL. Big build-up, little scene. But we love our scene.) *****************

"Are you sure you should be sitting up there?" he asked

"If it'll piss you off, then yes I am quite sure that I should be up here." she replied as she poured some pop rocks into her mouth.

"Look you're making me nervous. Could you please get down?" he asked and she turned around so that she was facing him.

"Am I really making you nervous?" she asked slyly as she slowly leaned backwards.

"Yes you are. Now please get down!"

"Would you catch me if I fell?"

"Right now, I am considering NOT catching you." he said

Tre stood up and started walking along the ledge. Isaac began to sweat.

"You think if I jumped, I could fly?" she said earily while gazing down at the street.

"Tre, you're starting to quote movies!" he said "And this is practicly a scene out of Pretty Woman."

"It's "If I D-R-O-P you do you think Y-O-U could fly." And I am HARDLY Julia Roberts thank-you-very-much. And you never answered my question."

"No I DON'T think you could fly!"

"Are you sure? Really sure?"


"I wanna find out."

"Oh god I hope that's the concussion talking." he said as he silently began to pray. He watched in horror as she looked over the edge. She spread her arms and jumped from the ledge.......on to the balcony.

"I guess not" she said into his face as she dusted off her hands. She left Isaac speechless on the balcony as she burst into the room.

"Tre? Where are you going?" asked Bonnie from her spot on the bed.

"Somewhere" she replied as she walked out the door. Slamming it behind her.

"What's up with her?" asked Taylor

"I don't know. I guess she's starting to come back to reality. And someone probably pissed her off."

They both looked out the sliding glass door at Isaac.

"Sorry about him." said Taylor "I don't really know what his problem is either. I guess the last thing he expected was to share the room with a couple of fans."

"Hey it's not like we planned this happining either ok!?" she replied "Man Leonard is going to freak out about this!!

"Who's this Leonard guy that you two keep mentioning?" asked Taylor curiously

"I already told you" said Bonnie "He's our...dude."

"Well that doesn't help much."

"It's a little hard to explain right now. I'll explain later."

"Whatever" he shrugged. He turned around and started rumagging around in his bag.

Bonnie started staring off into space. Daydreaming about anything and everything. Unfortunatly her gaze was directed at Taylor as she stared at nothing. (Authors note: Bonnie ALWAYS does that. And it always gets her into trouble.)

Taylor could feel her eyes watching him and it was making him very uncomfortable.

"Could you PLEASE stop staring at me like that?" he asked politly

Bonnie snapped out of her transe "Huh? What? Oh sorry. I was just staring in to space" she said knowing that Taylor wasn't buying a word of it. "Ummm yeah..I am going to go change now." She grabbed her crutches and backpack and hobbled into the bathroom.

Zac came into the room and flopped on the bed in front of the TV. "Hey Tay? Where is everyone?" he said flipping through the channels. Finally he landed on MTV.

"Tre stomped out of the room because Ike pissed her off, Bonnie is in the bathroom and Ike is out on the balcony...still."

"Oh this is going to be an interesting night." Zac sighed

Isaac came back in and flopped down on the bed next to Zac.

"Nice to have ya back Ike? What'd you do? Fall off the ledge?" asked Taylor with a smirk on his face.

"Ha ha very funny."

"Ike what's up with you?" asked Taylor "Why have you been so rude to Tre and Bonnie?"

"One is a complete physco, and the other complains after going up four fucking stairs. And no offense to them but the last thing that I want to do is spend the night with two teenyboppers."

"Uhh.. Ike? Don't you think that you'd be acting a little nutty if you had a concusion too?" questioned Tay "And think about it. Don't you think that climbing stairs with a twisted knee might be just a bit painful? Besides, you can't call em teeyboppers."

"Why not?"

"Any other teenybopper fan would've jumped us asking for our autographs and basicly would've made us lose our hearing. These girls are different and all you've done is treat em like shit."

"If you two would kindly SHUT UP, I would like to watch this fight." said Zac turning up the telivision.

"Is that Celebrity Deathmatch?" asked Ike

"Yeah it's the one where Garth Brooks and Marylin Manson fight. I swear we should have lent our voices to this "cameo"."

"Yeah but it's funnier this way" said Isaac "God they REALLY made my face LONG!"

"Yeah but look at my hair!" said Zac "It's HUGE! There is more hair on that little clay body then Rupal"

"I don't think they gave you THAT much hair! However they made you look totally tan in the first one. You looked hispanic!!"

"You know, somethings been bugging me for a while." said Zac "For some reason, Bonnie and Tre look REALLY familiar. But I suppose that I could be imagining that."

"No I think your right. Now that you mention it. They DO look familiar." said Taylor

The three sat back and thought for a few minutes. But soon gave up on it. (Guess it was just too much for their little brains)

"Du, Du Haust, Du Haust Meich..." MTV News was interviewing Rammstein and Zac was singing along to what he knew. "Hey I just thought of something. They make less sense then we do. We get grilled and they get praised. Someone explain this to me."

"Gladly." said Taylor "THEY SING IN GERMAN!!! Of course they make less sense then we do! And besides, they're metal, and we're pop. People like metal a whole lot more then they like pop."

"Yeah Zac, didn't you notice that the lead guy is talking in subtitles? Which might mean that he is not talking in english? Huh?" asked Ike sarcasticly

"Of course I noticed. I just still don't think it's fair. Can we drop it now? Clash is on!"

"OH YES! I love this show!!!" exclaimed Taylor

"We know Tay. We know!" said Isaac laughing "Too bad we missed the last couple of shows. Thank God for reruns!"

"Shut up! It's starting!" said Zac

As soon as the images of the two main characters, Tylynne and Ann Marie, filled the screen, their jaws dropped.

"Hey guys? They look just like..." started Zac

"Tre and Bonnie!" finished Ike and Tay together, in awe.

"Because they ARE Tre and Bonnie!" said Isaac. His and Taylor eyes just about popped out of thier sockets.

Zac's jaw was STILL hanging, and for once, he was speechless. Tay and Isaac weren't though.

"Oh. My. God." said Taylor "We are sharing our hotel room with CELEBRITIES!!!"

"Tay?" startedIsaac "We are celebrities."

Taylor looked at him "Oh yeah. Well we're sharing our room with famous people!"

"Tay? We're famous too."

"Oh yeah." It was official. Taylor was completely star-struck.

"I can't belive this." said Zac finally finding his voice "My favorite TV show. My fave actresses...HERE in my OWN hotel room!!!"

"And I was a complete asshole to them." said Isaac shamefully

"YOU DROVE HER CAR!!!" screamed Zac. Now he was star struck.

"You carried her up FOUR FLIGHTS of stairs. She's in OUR HOTEL SHOWER!!!" yelled Tay

"You touched her crutches!!!" Zac pointed out to Taylor

"I...touched....her OH MY GOD! I did! I touched her crutches. Her hand brushed against mine! Oh my god!" he said proudly

Isaac didn't have much time to feel star-struck. He felt like a complete asshole. He left the room to go find Tre.

Tre sat on the railing of the gazebo that she had found near the pool. She sat gazing dreamily at teh moon. She turned around when she heard footsteps behind her. A 14 year old boy was aproaching her.

"You're Tylynne? Aren't you? From that MTV show?"

She smiled "No I'm Tre. But I play Tylynne. Whats up?"

"Can I have your autograph?" he asked

"Sure" she took the pen and paper that he held out and signed her name and a scrawled "Tylynnesque" message, handing it back, the boy gleamed.

"Thanks" he said and walked away

Tre turned around and continued to gaze. It wasn't until ten minutes later that she heard another set of footsteps.

"Tre?" a soft voice asked. She turned around to find herself looking into Isaac's brown eyes.

"What do you want?" she asked as she turned back around.

"I'm sorry." he said as he came up behind her "I've been an asshole to you. When I found out you were Tylynne, I felt even worse."

"OK so if I weren't famous, you would continue to treat me and my best friend like shit? You're not helping yourself here."

"I thought you were just some crazy teenybopper fan."

"Ok so you would have treated any other fan like this? Keep going Ike."

"OK I was wrong, I shouldn't have treated you guys like shit. Nobody deserves to be treated the way I treated you." he said as he placed his hand on her shoulder. "I'm really truly sorry and I hope you can forgive me."

Tre looked at the hand on her shoulder. Then back at Isaac. "Your hand is on my shoulder." He removed his hand. "I guess I'll accept your apology. But you have to talk to Bonnie next."

Tre and Isaac walked back into the room as Taylor and Zac were gawking over Bonnie.

"Do you need another pillow? Let me fluff the one under your leg." said Taylor moving towards the pillow.

"Taylor STOP! I do NOT need another pillow. And the one under my leg does NOT need to be fluffed!!" she screamed

"Just cause it doesn't need to be doesn't mean it can't be."

"Are you hungry?" asked Zac "We can order room service!"

"Zac I'm fine!" she growled "Taylor stop fluffing the damn pillow, I can't see the TV."

"Yeah Tay! She can't see the TV. Move over or something!" said Zac

Tre laughed and made a flying leap onto the bed, causing Bonnie's leg to fly upward. Bonnie accidently kicked Taylor where the MMMBOP don't shine. Taylor fell to the ground squeaking. And Tre stood up on the bed. "AHA! I have PROOF!" she said triumphantly as she peered over the bed. "Taylor really IS a guy." she paused "At least...I think."

"Whoa Tay! She like...kicked you!" said Zac frightenly envious. "I wish I were you right now!"

Tre, still atop the bed, whispered while beckoning Zac with her finger, "C'mere Zac, I can arrange that for ya."

Zac looked down at a still squeaking Taylor and decided to pass. "Nevermind. Uh Tay..Tay? Squeak once if your okay. Twice if your not."

What do you think?

What do others think?

Posted by Tre
Chapter 3: Taylor really is a guy!!!